Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Descargar Las primeras sociedades neandertales de la Región Cantábrica (BAR International Series) [pdf] Talía Lazuén

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This volume presents research on the early Middle Palaeolithic in Cantabrian Spain (northern Atlantic façade), in particular on the economic and social behaviour of the Neanderthal groups living in the region between OIS 7 and OIS 4. The study is focused on the production, management and use of lithic tools, the strategies to capture and work with animal and plant resources, the ways of exploiting the territory and the range of social organisation within a diachronic and regional framework. This approach emphasises the reconstruction of the whole technical system as it reflects the social system and the historical dynamics in which it developed.
Libros Las primeras sociedades neandertales de la Región Cantábrica (BAR International Series) PDF Descargar Gratis
Las primeras sociedades neandertales de la Región Cantábrica (BAR International Series) novela
Las primeras sociedades neandertales de la Región Cantábrica (BAR International Series) libro Talía Lazuén

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