Sunday, November 25, 2018

Descargar Crea tu vida / Create Your Own Life: Pnl Con Visualizacions [pdf] Pepa Kern

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Combining the benefits of neuro-linguistic programming and visualization, this handbook provides readers with a method for completely transforming their lives. The book argues that all individuals have the internal tools and capacity to reshape their lives; it is merely a question of altering perceptions and modes of communication and visualizing positive outcomes. The keys provided in this guide will allow readers to get in touch with their own inner resources and strength on the way to overcoming their limitations.
libro Crea tu vida / Create Your Own Life: Pnl Con Visualizacions pdf
Crea tu vida / Create Your Own Life: Pnl Con Visualizacions pdf Pepa Kern
Descargar Crea tu vida / Create Your Own Life: Pnl Con Visualizacions (pdf, epub, mobi kindle)

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